When you use your credit card to pay for goods/services at small businesses, Masterard/Visa/etc charge a fee to the store for processing the payment. Being able to use a credit card is a convenience that most stores like to provide their customers, and that of course, that comes at a cost. Here at Blooms, we made the decision a while ago to offer this service to our customers. A lot of customers preferred not to have to walk with cash, and we agree.
Unfortunately, we quickly realized that with every swipe we were paying this nasty little processing fee. We also have noticed that for most people, the decision to pay with a Credit Card OR with Linx/Cash, isn’t really that big of a decision. Most people don’t mind either way and just grab what they see first in their purse/wallet. If only there was a way to let people know that we preferred to Linx/Cash payments over credit card, and with the money saved, give them something back……..
So, we came up with an idea! A chance to reward customers that pay with Linx or Cash and help us spread the word.
Here’s the deal:
With your next purchase, if you spend over $300TT and pay with either your Linx Card or Cash, you will be entered to win a FREE rack of Blooms Smokin Saturdays Smoked Ribs. Simply write your name and email on the back of your receipt (or a piece of paper) and drop it in our WIN-A-RACK box. Every Saturday, we will draw a name and that person will receive a free rack of smoked ribs on the following Saturday.
Hopefully, this will help us pay less in credit card processing fees, give back to our customers and keep our prices the lowest in Trinidad.
Don’t want to take your chances? Pre-order your Smokin’ Saturday Racks here.